Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30th - April 5th

A Perfect Weekend: destination doughnuts on Saturday and Croissants on Sunday. It was an ideal start to the official Blackbottoms Bikes for Kids season under blue skies with tailwinds in both directions.
Welcome to the first BadAssCycling Newsletter where announcements from team Spokes People will be distributed weekly. There will be occasions when late week correspondence is necessary but email traffic will be kept to a minimum. If you wish to be removed, click SafeUnsubscribe at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to forward to those interested who can then subscribe to the weekly news.
Please welcome Jay Elggren to the team. I am proud to represent Blackbottoms Cyclewear.  It is clear Jay shares our vision of healthy living, community involvement and passion for cycling to promote philanthropic endeavors. Jay is a fixture in the cycling world and together as a team, we can be a very positive force in the community. 

Ann Hoffman

Ride Calender - Liz Fairbanks
Next Ride - April 4th 10:00 am 
Start Location: 2400 W. North Temple.
Airport north on 2200 West to Legacy Parkway and Station Park in Farmington and back

Events and Community -
Ann M. Hoffman 

Spring fever hit early and June will soon be upon us. Hone your group riding skills and be prepared for our team's major events

Time Limited Discount - Bike MS - National Multiple Sclerosis Society June 27 - 28 in beautiful Cache County, cows, fields of soy, the Bear River wetlands and Famous Aggie Ice Cream. Register for BadAssCycling with discount code: SPRING. Prices go up on April 1st. Make an impact, ride, party and help find a cure for multiple sclerosis.

Tour de Cure for American Diabetes Association June 13th - Register with BadAssCycling. Ride alongside white-faced ibis and cinnamon teal, through the Migratory Bird Refuge of the Bear River. It's flat and it's gorgeous. Raise funds, raise awareness and set an example of active living and wellness for upcoming generations. Be a part of the solution.

Emigration Canyon Clean-up May 2nd approximately 2 hours from 9:30 AM. Work alongside fellow cyclist and help clear the shoulders of debris through the canyon. What do you get in return? A clean shoulder, lunch from Barbacoa and better relations with residents of the canyon. If interested please contact me for details.

Team Work & Safety - Anna Costa Contact
Team Work & Safety's goal:
"Keeping everyone safe and help us to have more fun out on the road".
Below is our 'outline' of what we need to work on/improve as a ride team this year.

Ride Groups:
We will separate into smaller size (2-3 groups) groups based on how you feel like riding that day.
Group A:   18 - 20 mph
Group B:   16 - 18 mph
Group C:   15 - 16 mph         (mph are approximate)
Each group will have designated "Ride Hosts" (i.e., leader, floater and sweeper). Everyone must stay in your designated group or communicate to your Ride leader if your plans change.
Ride Host responsibility:
            Ensure a fun and safe ride for your group
            Know the route
            Have the appropriate phone numbers in your phone for emergencies
            Keep the group safe and together
            Provide mentor-ship if needed for inexperienced riders or identify/correct unsafe behaviors, etc.
            Take a 'head count' and ensure everyone is back at the end of the ride
            Report any incidents to the appropriate Team leader(s).
Basic Skills for Group Riding:
These tips will keep you safer and help you to have more fun out on the road...
            It's not a race.
            Hold your line
            Never over-lap wheels
            Practice efficient pace-line riding (saves 30% of Energy)
            Be 'PREDICTABLE' when riding
            Work on controlling your speed/being steady in a pace-line
            Keep eyes and hears OPEN, be aware of the surroundings
            Be prepared and 'anticipate' problems
            Use voice or hand signals to point out road hazards
            Only Safely pass on the left and let the rider know you are passing
            Practice, practice, practice ...

Use SAFE cycling practices:  
"ROAD" - Follow 'Rules of the road'. Share the road. Obey ALL traffic laws
Crossing Intersections: Each cyclist is responsible for verifying that the intersection is clear For stops/regrouping - Stop OFF of the road completely, if possible
"RIDER" - Be predictable

  • Be visible 
  •  Be alert 
  •  Be courteous - If passing someone, say "passing on your left"
  • "RIG" - Check yourself and your bike - are you ready to ride? 
  •   have enough food, water? 
  •   got $, phone?
  • do you know today's route?

Your Team Work and Safety spoke:Anna, Steve M, Frank R.

Health & Wellness - Jenny Wright

A new focus of the team this year will be Health & Wellness. Carrie Bettis and Jenny Wright will be contributing tips and tidbits to upcoming newsletters to make sure we are all doing our best to stay healthy on and off the bike. Before we get too far into the season though, we want to ask a favor of everyone. We know that many of us ride with chronic medical conditions. While we want to respect everyone's privacy, we also want to be helpful if anyone has a problem on a ride. The best thing you can do is be sure to have a medical alert or other ID bracelet (such as a RoadID, SportsTag ID, etc) on whenever you ride.   Please consider letting the ride host or a buddy on the ride know of any potential issues you might have and how to help if something happens. Thanks and enjoy the ride!

Your Team Work and Safety spoke:Anna, Steve M, Frank R.

Featured Sponsor 

Elements wilderness therapy program has brought hundreds of young men and their families from confusion to clarity and from pain to hope. Combining the power of wilderness therapy with cutting-edge treatment approaches, we help young men find their way forward and families heal.

Monday, March 23, 2015

5 fitness mistakes to avoid
Stroll through any gym and you’ll notice many mistakes. Mistakes that waste time. Mistakes that put people in danger. And mistakes that are just plain crazy.

Maybe you even make a few of these mistakes yourself.

By avoiding these common blunders, you’ll put yourself on the fast track to results.

Check out the following 5 fitness mistakes and the solutions you need to avoid danger and to get fit fast.

Mistake 1: You use the wrong weight

The goal is to challenge your muscles, not to simply go through the motions. If you are able to complete 15 repetitions easily, then the weight is too light. On the flip side, if you aren’t able to perform an exercise through its full range of motion, and find yourself cheating on form, then the weight is too heavy.

The correct weights will feel challenging by your last few repetitions, but won’t force you to sacrifice form.

Mistake 2: You do the same routine

You may have noticed that most people do the same exercises each time they visit the gym. Maybe you’ve been doing the same exercise routine as long as you can remember—if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it, right?

The truth is that exercise routines have expiration dates, and that is the date that they begin to lose their effectiveness. As a rule of thumb never use the same routine for more than 4 weeks.

Mistake 3: You don’t warm up

Most people consider warm up time to be wasted time—they’d rather jump right into the heart of the routine. What they don’t realize is that a good warm up will allow you to perform at a higher intensity, which means greater results.

The point of a warm up is to increase your muscle temperature. This increases blood flow, muscle contraction and reduces muscle resistance. Your warm up should last 5-10 minutes.

Mistake 4: You use bad form

Gyms are filled with people performing exercises with bad form. The two biggest reasons are that you aren’t concentrating on the exercise, or you’re trying to lift weight that is too heavy. Lifting with improper form almost always results in injury.

Take the time to achieve proper form, by doing so you’ll avoid injury and will reap the full benefit from each exercise.

Mistake 5: You work out alone

People who exercise alone are less challenged, less accountable and typically see fewer results. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Why rush to the gym if no one is there waiting for you? Why push yourself if no one is watching? Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster.

I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results—without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes.

Don’t know where to start when it comes to exercise?
That’s where I come in. Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that is right for you.

Keena Schaerrer

Ultimate Peak Performance Training

410 North 930 West
Lindon Utah, 84042


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

4 Self-Motivating Mind Tricks
Are you struggling with self motivation? Having a hard time getting yourself to your regularly scheduled workouts? Finding more and more reasons to cheat on your healthy diet?

You’re not alone and today I’ve got just the 4 Self-Motivating Mind Tricks that you need to lock onto your goals…

A healthy dose of motivation coupled with determination will get you almost anything in life. So how do you know if you’re genuinely motivated?
  • Motivation will tell you to get out of bed for an early workout.
  • Motivation will nag you to put down the doughnut.
  • Motivation makes passing on fries a reflex.
  • Motivation makes a sweat drenched workout exciting.
  • Motivation constantly reminds you why you do what you do.
Self-Motivating Mind Trick #1: Pinpoint Your Motivator.

Motivation stems from having a goal. What is your goal? Why do you want to get into great shape?

Once you uncover your personal motivator you’ll find that motivation flows quickly your way.

Take a minute to really uncover the reason that you want to lose the weight. Don’t say something vague like you want to 'Be thinner' or 'Look more attractive.' Dig deeper – there is a very specific motivator in your life, you simply need to uncover it.

Here are some possible motivators…
  • I want to have more energy to keep up with the kids.
  • I want to improve my health through weight loss to extend and improve my life.
  • I want to lose 15 pounds before my vacation.
  • I want to restore my confidence to wear sleeveless shirts.
  • I want to regain my figure to impress and attract my significant other.
Self-Motivating Mind Trick #2: Make It Official.

When you write something down it suddenly feels official, doesn’t it? Write down your motivator for getting into great shape, and post it where you will see it often—next to your alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, or in your car.

Each time you see your written motivator take a moment to visualize yourself accomplishing your goal. Try to make the scene as clear in your mind as possible. This is a powerful tool for maintaining your focus and direction.

Self-Motivating Mind Trick #3: Be Practical.

It’s game plan time. You know what you want, and now you need to map out exactly how you’ll achieve it. It is important to be practical in your planning, rather than throwing out ideas that you know you won’t stick with.

With any weight loss goal it is important to 1) maintain a healthy low-calorie diet, and 2) participate in a consistent and challenging exercise program.

Plan a routine that will fit into your schedule and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Also choose an exercise program that you enjoy—don’t force yourself to jog everyday if you hate jogging.

Self-Motivating Mind Trick #4: Call For Backup.

Enlist the support of your friends, family and co-workers. Tell everyone about your goal to lose weight and get fit, you’ll be surprised how supportive most people will be. By being open about your goals you’ll likely be an encouragement to others to make healthy changes in their own lives.

The most effective way to ensure that you meet your goal is to enlist my support, your personal trainer. Together we will identify what really motivates you. Together we will design a workout routine that fits into your schedule and into your life. And together we will see it through until your goal is met.

Call or email me today to get started on the program that will transform your life

Keena Schaerrer

Ultimate Peak Performance Training

410 North 930 West
Lindon Utah, 84042
