Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Health and Wellness  

- Jenny Wright 

 Utah’s melanoma rate is the highest in the US – and the number of deaths from melanoma in Utah is 30% above the national average.  The number of people diagnosed in Summit County is 124% above the national average!

Cyclists are known to have high rates of skin cancer.  An actual, scientific study tested UV exposure in professional cyclists, and showed in one week of riding UV exposure was 30 times the recommended maximum.

So since you cycle in Utah…..guess what your risk of skin cancer is?
Ok, if cancer isn’t motivating enough, how about vanity?  Old lady wrinkles when you are middle age are not cool.

Hopefully you are now very motivated to decrease your sun exposure.  Even those who think they are applying sunscreen correctly are often doing it wrong.  Here are some tips to remember before each ride.
1.        Chose the right sunscreen!  Pick one with UVA and UVB protection – aka broad spectrum.  Use a minimum SPF of 15.  Don’t waste your money on SPF 100 though, anything above SPF of 50 doesn’t actually work better.

2.       Don’t forget those pesky spots:  the tips of your ears, your lips, and yes your bald spots.   Also don’t forget your back.  Most jerseys provide minimal sun protection, unless an SPF is specifically noted.  And your back gets constant exposure.

3.       Use twice as much you think you need.

4.       Put on sunscreen 20-30 minutes prior to your ride time.  Reapply every 2 hours, especially on high altitude rides.  Mini packets for reapplication will be appearing on rides very soon!
5.       Remember Tim Schaars, tan lines are nothing to be proud of.

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